sábado, 9 de abril de 2022

Clergy is a cancer

Clergy is a cancer

Luiz Andrada

April 3, 2022


When man lived in caves, in primitive tribes, a demon in disguise and brotherhood to humans, moved by the grotesque ambition to control, plunder souls, crush, terrorize, became the king of the tribe, the lord of supernatural speech. The first of this lineage was perhaps the one who talked to lightning, thunder, to the amazement of others. And to appease the skies, the cretin probably demanded more food, sex, honors from the tribe. That bastard was the priest’s great-grandfather. Time passed and the spokesperson for the skies became more sophisticated and smarter. This cursed entity is the shaman, priest, mediator, bishop, cardinal, pope, monk, pastor, medium, rabbi, imam, cleric. This is the cancerous caste that has tyrannized humanity since undying ages. The clergy. The group of the elect who hide a special intimacy with God, an affectation that legitimizes all the excesses and crimes of this self-proclaimed spiritual elite. A real divine mafia.

The clergyman is the door through which the faithful must pass in order to win the blessings and gifts, the promised land. His words full of false certainties offer comfort to the soul of the lost. In the Christian faith, the clergyman replaces Jesus Christ himself. Institutional Christianity spawned a deep-seated dependence of the lay faithful on the church’s feudal lord, the priest. If we make an honest review of our passage through corporate Christianity, we will realize that on countless occasions we turn to priests and pastors in order to ask for their blessing, prayer and direction for our lives. And Jesus Christ hung on the cross precisely to guarantee us what we so often demand from poor and unhappy human beings. We reject Jesus, and in his place we enthroned this disgusting horde of the clergy, this hideous leprosy. Bad exchange. And for this exchange we are paying the price for the suffering caused by the clergy in practically all countries, in the most varied religions, with Christianity obviously standing out in the Western world.

In an article on the internet, a vain and arrogant priest, a member of one of the most dangerous and deleterious Catholic sects, an ultra-fanatical, ultra-conservative and extreme right-wing group, Opus Dei, said “humbly” of himself, when explaining the Catholic priesthood, that the priest is “another Christ” within the church, but far beyond that, that the priest is also “Christ himself” within the church. He corroborated the eternal Catholic lie that the priest is God’s supreme ambassador on earth, and shut up. This lie is the biggest cause of the entire abyss of horrendous crimes that priests, bishops, cardinals and the like commit daily in Roman Catholicism, from financial to sexual crimes, from threats to rape of nuns, from bullying to humiliation, from lies to manipulations, from homosexual orgies financed with the money of the faithful (1) (2) to involvement with politicians. Whoever assumes the role of king, sovereign, monarch, emperor of the parish and of souls, has already taken the first step to be able to easily invade hearts and then rape bodies. The one who reigns has the “right” to do as he pleases with the body of the commoners. Roman Catholic clergy are the largest gathering of psychopaths involved in religious discourse, alongside other professions that also attract perverts and sociopaths.

The Roman Catholic Church turned into an autocratic monarchy, a kind of court populated by human specimens of the worst kind. The pope reigned absolute as the emperor of the world, the administrator of spiritual as well as earthly things. For generations the pope sat on thrones clothed in glory and was carried in procession on the shoulders of faithful commoners, to be worshiped and acclaimed. Until the recent past, the Roman pontiff used the papal tiara, a sort of indiscreet and luxurious three-story crown, similar to the World Trade Center, to symbolize his authority and also the Holy Trinity. All this exaltation and arrogance contaminated, in a pandemic effect, the entirety of the Catholic clergy. Paraments, differentiated clothes, luxury serve to tell the faithful that the priest is a superior being, set apart by God to legitimize, validate and authenticate the religious discourse. Burning kisses on the effeminate, delicate and silky hands of the clerical dynasty serve to reinforce submission to the priestly mafia. The result of all this perverse culture has been before us, for millennia, on every police page in the news. Whoever reveres the devil becomes his slave.

Protestant pastors also fascinate the flock gathered in the church. They know exactly everything about any subject, such as finance, psychology, sex, politics, parenting, credit card, stock exchange, theology, philosophy. They are gods walking the earth, ready to fire accurate answers to all of humanity’s dilemmas. And imbeciles love to follow these blind shepherds who walk into the hole. The consequence has been catastrophic, as in several countries, including Brazil, the suicide of pastors is growing at an alarming rate. Those who chose to play God to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders end up discovering too late that they are just a simple human being. Is it worth it?

Clericalism works in an extremely perverse and demonic way. An example of a mentality enslaved to the clergy is that of the father who physically attacked his own little daughter, when she opened her heart and denounced the priest who committed sexual abuse against her. After the aggression against his daughter, the father ordered: “Respect the priest! Never say that again!” And the cleric knows this, and understands the workings of spiritual and religious discourse, and the enchantment that this Christian chatter exerts on the fragile mentality of imbeciles. There is a subtle aura, or even something outrageous, of threat against anyone who dares to face and denounce a priest, like a damnation to hell. And the cleric knows this, and takes advantage of every opportunity. The serpent wants only one sucker in the way, and that’s enough.

The clerical monarchy is, from generation to generation, destroying the faith of a multitude of believers. And this is perhaps the greatest grace we are receiving, when we understand that this model imposed by institutional Christianity is exhausted and bankrupt. When the fortunes of the priests diminish, because the churches are emptying, perhaps out of sheer greed they will find other methods and even present a false cure for clericalism, in order to perpetuate their office of parasites and leeches, vagabonds and thieves. The experience of investing energy, life and time to go to some Christian space and hear an idiot at the altar imposing his ego on other people is boring, meaningless, without purpose. This model caters only to the clergy, who are greedy for sex, power, control, money. This absurd world has reached the 21st century and still maintains a nameless series of vices and defects from past centuries and millennia. The heart of the Christian faith is not the clergy. The Gospel does not teach us to live behind priests and pastors. The Christian leader’s views are not the views of Jesus Christ. This is not what Jesus taught us. But after two thousand years it is evident that we still have a lot to learn.


(1) As orgias do padre Bartolomeu

Disponível em: <https://istoe.com.br/as-orgias-do-padre-bartolomeu/>. Acesso em: 13 abr. 2022.

(2) Padre [HIV positivo] é preso por desviar dinheiro da igreja para orgias gays e drogas

Disponível em: <https://noticias.r7.com/internacional/padre-e-preso-por-desviar-dinheiro-da-igreja-para-orgias-gays-e-drogas-25092021>. Acesso em: 13 abr. 2022.

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